Royalty Contract Standardization - RCS


Aleksandar Damjanovic


May 12, 2022

Executive Summary

This research examines the possibility of hardcoding the royalty logic for the NFT royalty payments. It also explores how are royalties for NFT creators/artists taken care of by two largest NFT marketplaces OpenSea and LooksRare. It examines the EIP-2981 which aims to solve the royalty implementation problem. Small experiment is conducted with a goal to modify the transfer function from the ERC-721 standard.

After explorative research and a short experiment we have come to these conclusions:

  1. The Marketplaces prefer handling the royalties themselves and only for the trades on their platform
  2. ERC-2981 contains the optional royalty implementation logic. It’s on the platforms to decide whether they will utilize this standard.
  3. Hardcoding royalties without making “a mess” of the NFT smart-contract is currently way too complex and would require altering the ERC-721 heavily.


Current markketplaces and NFTs have fragmented royalty payment implementations. This leaves the nft artist/creator with the issue of unpredictable royalty payments for his art. Each marketplace has different solutions for this problem. EIP-2981 has basic royalty implementation. Which doesn’t enforce actual payments. Royalty Contract Standardization (RCS) could in theory be done by modifying the transfer functions to enable the transfer of royalties to the creator during trading of the NFT via transaction splitting.

This research is the aftermath of a brainstorming session and has some brave assumptions initially, which is why this short research is conducted to further validate those assumptions.

Goals & Methodology

The goal of this research is to explore how royalties are taken care of currently and the way EIP-2981 works and the possibility of further improvement.

This will done by doing an explorative research of current royalty implementations on OpenSea and LooksRare as they are the biggest players.

Another examination will be done, maimly of the EIP-2981 standard to explore the solution it proposes.

Afterwards we will examine the possibility of hardcoding royalty in the NFT contract itself.

Results & Discussion


OpenSea offers royalties for Artists and Creator which are usually around 10%. They are also applied to secondary sales and the proceeds after fees go to the seller of the NFT.

Users can check the royalty fees with 3 methods:

  1. Attempting to buy an NFT which will then open up a checkout window where the royalty amount is listed under the name of the NFT.
  2. Installing the Flava Chrome extension which shows the royalty next to the NFT without needing to open the checkout menu.
  3. Using the NFT analytics tools - There are numerous NFT analytics tools that include creator royalties in their stats.1

As we can see royalties are very important part of NFT space and they are of great importance for both traders and creators.

How do creators earn their royaties

On OpenSea proceeds from the primary sales of the NFT are immediately forwarded to the creators address. Royalties are usually held by OpenSea for 2-4 weeks before paid out to the creator, this includes both primary sales and secondary sales.

Royalties are not automatically set on OpenSea and the creator of the collection must set the royalty percentage and the payout address on the collection level.

OpenSea royalty on other marketplaces

OpenSea royalties are enforced on many other platforms. This is a result of various legal agreements between platforms.

If we are talking about ERC-721 and ERC-1155 standard tokens there is no royalty support on token or smart contract level. That is why previosly mentioned legal agreements are needed to enforce royalty payments.2


LooksRare is a decentralized NFT marketplace which rewards traders, token stakers, creators and collectors for participating on the platform.

It was launched in January 22 with an aim to dethrone Opensea from it’s spot as a leader in the NFT market.

As a community-first platform all the revenue generated is distributed to the stakers of LOOKS token.


LOOKS is the native token that powers the LooksRare marketplace, its price is $0.5908 at the time of this writing. It is used for staking and various rewards.


Whenever the NFT is traded on LooksRare there are 2 types of fee the seller is charged:

  • Platform fee (2%)
  • Creator royalties

“Creator royalties are fees that are decided by the collection creator. Collection owners can specify a percentage of royalties they wish to recieve on their collection management page.”

Royalties are on-chain. Whenever a sale is made through the platform the royalties are paid in the same transaction as the sale and the creators instantly recieve their royalty. This is one of the ways LooksRare is different from OpenSea.

LooksRare also supports EIP-2981 royalty standard which takes precedent over any royalties specified directly on LooksRare.


This standard provides a way to retrieve royalty payment information for NFTs with a goal to enable universal support for royalty payments across all NFT marketplaces and ecosystem participants.

This standard enables all marketplaces to retrieve royalty payment information for a given NFT. This enables accurate royalty payments regardless of which marketplace the NFT is sold or re-sold at.

This standard only provides a mechanism to fetch the royalty amount and recipients. The actual funds transfer is something the marketplace needs to do.

“Royalty amounts are always a percentage of the sale price. If a marketplace chooses not to implement this EIP, then no funds will be paid for secondary sales.”

That is one of the reasons hardcoding royalties idea was proposed.

EIP-2981 can also be integrated with other contracts to return royalty payment information. ERC-2981 is a royalty standard for many asset types.

It is recomended to read the full specification of the proposal in order to better understand the issue at hand and the way it is handled in the EIP-2981.

In the proposal the writers have come to these conclusions:

  • “It is impossible to know which NFT transfers are the result of sales, and which are merely wallets moving or consolidating their NFTs. Therefore, we cannot force every transfer function, such as transferFrom() in ERC-721, to involve a royalty payment as not every transfer is a sale that would require such payment.”

  • “It is impossible to fully know and efficiently implement all possible types of royalty payments logic. With that said, it is on the royalty payment receiver to implement all additional complexity and logic for fee splitting, multiple receivers, taxes, accounting, etc. in their own receiving contract or off-chain processes. Attempting to do this as part of this standard, it would dramatically increase the implementation complexity, increase gas costs, and could not possibly cover every potential use-case.”

  • “This EIP mandates a percentage-based royalty fee model. It is likely that the most common case of percentage calculation will be where the royaltyAmount is always calculated from the _salePrice using a fixed percent i.e. if the royalty fee is 10%, then a 10% royalty fee must apply whether _salePrice is 10, 10000 or 1234567890.”

  • “This EIP does not specify a currency or token used for sales and royalty payments. The same percentage-based royalty fee must be paid regardless of what currency, or token was used in the sale, paid in the same currency or token. This applies to sales in any location including on-chain sales, over-the-counter (OTC) sales, and off-chain sales using fiat currency such as at auction houses. As royalty payments are voluntary, entities that respect this EIP must pay no matter where the sale occurred - a sale outside of the blockchain is still a sale.”

They also plan on taking on the mechanism for paying and notifying the recepient in the future EIPs.3

Our experiment

After trying to implement hardcoding the royalties the same issue with the transfer function occured.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts@4.5.0/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts@4.5.0/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721Enumerable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts@4.5.0/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts@4.5.0/utils/Counters.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts@4.5.0/interfaces/IERC2981.sol";

contract InstantRoyaltyToken is ERC721, ERC721Enumerable, Ownable, IERC2981 {
    using Counters for Counters.Counter;

    Counters.Counter private _tokenIdCounter;

    address royaltyAddress;
    uint256 royalty = 10_000;

    constructor(address _royaltyAddress ) ERC721("InstantRoyaltyToken", "IRT") {
            royaltyAddress = _royaltyAddress;

    function safeMint(address to) public onlyOwner {
        uint256 tokenId = _tokenIdCounter.current();
        _safeMint(to, tokenId);

    // The following functions are overrides required by Solidity.

    function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)
        override(ERC721, ERC721Enumerable)
        super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, tokenId);

    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId)
        override(ERC721, ERC721Enumerable, IERC165)
        returns (bool)
        return interfaceId == type(IERC2981).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);

    function royaltyInfo(uint256 tokenId, uint256 salePrice) public view override returns(address receiver, uint256 royaltyAmount) {
        return (royaltyAddress, royalty);

        * The function below from ERC721 is the main issue. Making this a
        * payable function would add unecessary complexity to the standard
        * and would make the function payable, thus requiring payment 
        * even when sales are not ocurring.

    function transferFrom(
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 tokenId
    ) public virtual override(ERC721,IERC721) {
            require(_isApprovedOrOwner(_msgSender(), tokenId), "ERC721: transfer caller is not owner nor approved");
            //royaltyInfo and pay royalty for transfer part would go here
            //implementing this would make the function payable
            _transfer(from, to, tokenId);



After researching how the royalties are taken care of so far by the leading NFT marketplaces we have come to these conclusions:

  1. The Marketplaces prefer handling the royalties themselves and only for the trades on their platform
  2. ERC-2981 contains the optional royalty implementation logic. It’s on the platforms to decide whether they will utilize this standard.
  3. Hardcoding royalties without making a mess of the NFT smart-contract is currently way to complex and would require altering the ERC-721 heavily.

The above reasons are the reason for not going further with this initiative, however this gave us a better insight of how the NFT marketplaces operate in terms of royalties and how are the new standards for NFTs proposed, and what are the limitations.

Special thanks to Stevan Bogosavljevic for his opinions on this research and expertize in NFT royalties. Thank you for showing the fallacies in the logic of this research proposal
