Transaction splitting




March 8, 2022

Executive Summary

Many companies sell goods with a business model based on donating some percent of their profit to charity. The problem is that some of these companies don’t transparently perform these donations. If, for example, the handmade wristwatch company claims that it donates 90 percent of earnings to the charity, the buyers can’t be sure whether they indeed donated the funds to charity or just bought a very expensive product. They can only believe the company itself. Blockchain technology eliminates the need for trust.


This paper tends to explain and show how the need for trust can be eliminated when it comes to donations and setting up business models in general. Idea is to have a platform that will allow you to set up a use case in which you want to allow users to buy a product from you where a specific percentage of the purchase will go to a different wallet(s).

  • X% of purchase transparently goes to verified charity wallet
  • a split transaction between different co-creators or marketplace and author

We can develop a fully transparent set of smart contracts and protocols on some general-purpose blockchain and introduce to sellers and customers a brand new way for selling goods and doing business in general.

Additionally, if there are too many different wallet recipients, the splitting can be done through merkle tree claim model.

Goals & Methodology


  • How to make charity donations and spending transparent
  • Eliminate the need for trusting the brand, and provide customers a way to easily verify their spendings
  • Split input transaction to several different wallets by desired percentage


  • Write a set of smart contracts in Solidity for this purpose.
    • Pros:
      • Portable to any EVM general purpose blockchain
      • Native support for cryptocurrencies
      • Possibility for including ERC-20 tokens, as well
      • Tooling (Hardhat, OpenZeppelin, etc.)
    • Cons:
      • Lack of native percentage operator in Solidity, one need to decide up to which decimal the result is reliable
      • Transaction costs
  • Integrate it with Bizzswap
    • Pros:
      • Out of the box solution for paying/swapping coins and tokens
    • Cons:
      • Third-party dependency
  • Testing
    • Unit tests
    • Integration tests
    • End to end tests
    • Static analasys
    • Code coverage
    • Gas usage
    • Fuzz testing (optional)
    • Formal verification (optional)
    • Audit
    • Deployment to testnet

The beauty of the end result is that anyone can port a frontend app to this decentralized protocol and incorporate it in their business models, already existing platforms, etc.

Results & Discussion

Transaction can be split among several parties in Solidity like this:

Step 1)

Smart contract should have the ability to receive native coin or any other token. There is a need for a receive() or fallback() function, depends on the implementation of the smart contract.

receive() is called if is empty, otherwise fallback() is called.

    Which function is called, fallback() or receive()?

           send Ether
               | is empty?
              / \
            yes  no
            /     \
receive() exists?  fallback()
         /   \
        yes   no
        /      \
    receive()   fallback()

    // Function to receive Ether. must be empty
    receive() external payable {}

    // Fallback function is called when is not empty
    fallback() external payable {}

Step 2)

Smart contract then needs to split the received amount among other wallets by defined percentage. Sending funds is trivial and we won’t focus on that. The most challenging part is proper ratio calculations in a language with no native support for decimal arithmetics.

In Solidity, one must assume that all numbers have 18 decimal precision. For example:

  • 1 is 1000000000000000000,
  • 0.5 is 500000000000000000, and
  • 100 is 100000000000000000000

Since there are no native language support for percentage arithmetics in Solidity, devs are using Basis Points as a unit of measurement equal to 1/100th of 1 percent. This metric is commonly used for loans and bonds to signify percentage changes or yield spreads in financial instruments, especially when the difference in material interest rates is less than one percent.

  • 0.01% = 1 BPS
  • 0.05% = 5 BPS
  • 0.1% = 10 BPS
  • 0.5% = 50 BPS
  • 1% = 100 BPS
  • 10% = 1 000 BPS
  • 100% = 10 000 BPS

Possible implementation:

    function calculateFee(uint256 _amount) public pure returns(uint256) {
        // for example 1.85% is fee

        return _amount * 185 / 10000;


There are no blockers for implementing this idea in Solidity. The tooling is stable, the math is not complex and can be handled by the language, and the blockchain technology itself is capable for storing this type of applications.
